Apart from being set in the past, historical novels need have little in common with each other and there is no set genre with its own rules – as there is to some extent with crime novels. An historical novel could also be a mystery, a thriller or adventure story, a romance, a tale of political intrigue, a family saga or a soap opera and so follow some of the rules for these genres. It may be set in the distant or recent past. It’s sometimes easy to forget that books like A Tale of Two Cities, Vanity Fair, War and Peace and The Last of the Mohicans were all historical novels when they were written. The place and the era provide a setting, but ultimately the novel will depend far more on the story you want to tell, and in that respect it is the same as writing about the modern world.
Historian, History Professor and historical novelist Adrian Goldsworthy at http://writinghistoricalnovels.com/2013/01/06/starting-to-write-historical-novels-by-adrian-goldsworthy
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